• Garnet stone emerges from Harpole cross

    Updated: 2023-01-31 05:01:00
    Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) archaeologists have revealed a large garnet at the center of the silver cross from the exceptionally wealthy 7th century bed burial found at Harpole, Northamptonshire, England. Discovered last April, the burial of an elite Saxon-era woman contained an ornate necklace with an unprecedented number of pendants made of garnets, semi-precious … Read the full post →"Garnet stone emerges from Harpole cross"

  • Man in Hercules suit found on Appia Antica

    Updated: 2023-01-30 09:43:04
    A life-sized marble statue of a Hercules figure has been discovered on the Appia Antica, the ancient road leading south out of Rome. He wears the skin of the Nemean lion, its open mouth on his head like a hat, its front paws tied at the clavicle like a scarf, its hind legs draped over … Read the full post →"Man in Hercules suit found on Appia Antica"

  • Iron Age sacrificial deposits found in Poland

    Updated: 2023-01-29 10:23:20
    Votive deposits of bronze objects from the Iron Age have been discovered near the city of Chełmno in northern Poland. Dozens of bronze ornaments and numerous human bones were unearthed, the remains of sacrificial rituals that took place at the site about 2,500 years ago when the Lusatian culture inhabited the area. The important Lusatian … Read the full post →"Iron Age sacrificial deposits found in Poland"

  • Longest sword in Japan found in 4th c. burial mound

    Updated: 2023-01-27 05:01:00
    The longest sword in Japan and a large bronze mirror that is also unprecedented in the Japanese archaeological record have been unearthed at the Tomio Maruyama burial mound in Nara. The burial mound (known as a kofun) and artifacts date to the second half of the 4th century. The sword is 2.37 meters (7’9″) long … Read the full post →"Longest sword in Japan found in 4th c. burial mound"

  • Musket ball holes may rewrite English Civil War history

    Updated: 2023-01-26 06:16:31
    Archaeologists have discovered the ruins of a late medieval gatehouse riddled with holes from musket and pistol shots that may be evidence of the first clash in the English Civil War, one that does not appear on the historical record. The site in Coleshill, Warwickshire, is being excavated because it is on the route of … Read the full post →"Musket ball holes may rewrite English Civil War history"

  • Soil block grave from oldest burial ground in Germany excavated

    Updated: 2023-01-25 05:02:00
    A whole grave recovered from the oldest burial ground in Germany has been excavated almost four years after it was removed in a soil block. Radiocarbon analysis of the remains dates the burial ground to approximately 8,000 years ago in the Mesolithic era, just on the cusp of the Neolithic Revolution that saw the arrival … Read the full post →"Soil block grave from oldest burial ground in Germany excavated"

  • Roman wood writing tablet with ink found in Sens

    Updated: 2023-01-24 06:31:54
    Dozens of ancient wells and latrines rich in preserved organic remains have been unearthed in Sens, north-central France. They date to between the 1st and 3rd century A.D. and contain an abundance of ceramics, leather, wood, as well as botanical and faunal remains. One extremely rare find is a wooden writing tablet with visible traces … Read the full post →"Roman wood writing tablet with ink found in Sens"

  • Winged Victory of Brescia returns to Capitoline Temple

    Updated: 2023-01-23 08:05:51
    The ancient bronze statue of a Winged Victory that has become a symbol of the city of Brescia in Lombardy, northern Italy, has returned to its original home, the city’s 1st century Capitoline Temple. It has been installed in the eastern cell of the Capitolium in a new layout that incorporates the iconic bronze (and … Read the full post →"Winged Victory of Brescia returns to Capitoline Temple"

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